Education In India: Burden or an Opportunity?

Education In India: Burden or an Opportunity?

Indian education system is a complex and diverse system that encompasses a wide range of institutions, policies, and practices. The system is known for its vastness, with over 1.5 million schools and more than 850 universities and colleges.

When we talk about the education system in india we need to take a sight on the fact that though we are possessing so many colleges and universities, education is not been made accessible to the lower class of the society. This eventually leads our youth to do child labor at a very tender age. Pupils of the children belonging to the slums of the city, at times cannot afford to give education to their children. So these children remain void from education and lead their future under slavery or else child labor.
What creates burden taking education in India?
The thing we all do in common is we learn the topics thoroughly for the exams and after a months if we don't revise it we cant explain it to someone else. Nowadays me myself being a 12th grade student am facing many problems but if I look at the root cause of these problems, it's my mistakes that are becoming a burden for me in my academic life                         
.For e.g. Recently I have developed a huge backlog of Chemistry. When our teacher taught us the lesson i didn't revise it neither i wrote down the notes which she had provided to us. So now, around 3 - 4 chapters of mine are remaining to be revised and conceptually acquired. So now gradually i am observing that my interest in chemistry is lowering.

What measures will you take to avoid backlogs creating burden for you?

  • Revise the topic as & when its taught fresh, either after the lecture or after you reach your home.
  • Remain attentive in the class while the teacher is explaining. You may have talks with your friend when your ma'am has given you something to pen down. Afterall a class without gossips isn't a class at all.
  • Whenever you get a chance to explain the topic to your friend. Take it sportingly and explain it to him/her. 'cause when you'll explain it to someone it will become rigid in your mind.

Is it the fee structure that is making education inaccessible?

Well, while speaking on this factor if we just consider the fees structure it is more of a controversial thing as in private schools and colleges the fees are very high. Whereas in the government schools it is not the same way. 

In India there are 10,83,678 government schools. These schools provide education at a minimal fee. These help the students to acquire education even though their economic condition. Yeah there are some aided schools that provide education at a minimal fee structure. My school was one of the aided one. I had to pay a higher fee rate during my kindergarten and Primary Section[1 - 5] but when i started with my secondary section the fee was reduced to 10%. This made my parents to get a bit relief in their monthly balance sheets. So education in India is accessible to everyone, every individual belonging to different race and sect. So affording education in India is not that tough and I thimk it won't be a barrier for the coming youth.

What opportunities do you get after taking education in India?

Taking education in India provides various opportunities for students. Here are some of the opportunities available:

  • Diverse Range of Courses: Indian educational institutions offer a wide variety of courses across disciplines, including engineering, medicine, business management, humanities, social sciences, arts, law, and more. Students have the flexibility to choose from numerous academic programs based on their interests and career goals.
  • Prestigious Institutions: India is home to several renowned educational institutions that are globally recognized for their academic excellence. Institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), and University of Delhi are highly respected both nationally and internationally.
  • Strong Technical Education: India is known for its strong technical education. The IITs, National Institutes of Technology (NITs), and other engineering colleges in the country are considered among the best in the world. These institutions offer quality education and research opportunities in various engineering disciplines.

  • Research and Innovation: Indian universities and research institutions provide opportunities for research and innovation across different fields. Students can engage in research projects, collaborate with professors and industry experts, and contribute to advancements in their chosen fields of study.
  • Affordable Education: Compared to many Western countries, the cost of education in India is relatively affordable. Tuition fees and living expenses in Indian educational institutions are generally lower, making education accessible to a broader range of students.
  • Cultural Diversity: India is a culturally diverse country with a rich heritage. Studying in India offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in a vibrant multicultural environment, experience diverse traditions, and interact with students from different backgrounds.
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities: India has a thriving start-up ecosystem, with numerous opportunities for entrepreneurial ventures. Many educational institutions have entrepreneurship cells and incubation centers that support students in developing their business ideas and launching start-ups.
  • Global Exposure: With a growing emphasis on international collaborations, Indian universities are increasingly fostering partnerships with foreign institutions. This provides students with opportunities for exchange programs, joint research projects, and exposure to global perspectives.
  • Government Scholarships: The Indian government, as well as various state governments, offer scholarships and financial assistance programs to support deserving students. These scholarships can help alleviate the financial burden and make education more accessible
It's important to note that while there are several opportunities available, the educational landscape in India is highly competitive. Students need to work hard, choose rep "see so. to wind it up I'd like to say that educational system in India is developing more rapidly. and with the implementation of the new educational system it won't be as before. Now we'll see about the new educational system.

What this NEP 2020 policy is all about?

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a comprehensive framework for education reform in India. It was approved by the Union Cabinet of India in July 2020 and aims to transform the education system in the country at all levels, from preschool to higher education.

The key objectives of the NEP 2020 include:
  • Universalization of education: The policy aims to provide access to high-quality education to all children from the age of three onwards until they complete their school education.
  • Flexible and multidisciplinary education: The NEP emphasizes the need for a flexible and multidisciplinary approach to education, allowing students to choose subjects according to their interests and talents.
  • Skill development: The policy focuses on the development of various skills, including cognitive, social, emotional, and vocational skills, to prepare students for the future workforce
  • Technology integration: The NEP emphasizes the use of technology in education to enhance teaching and learning processes, promote digital literacy, and improve access to educational resources.
  • Teacher training and professional development: The policy recognizes the importance of well-trained and motivated teachers and aims to provide them with appropriate training and continuous professional development opportunities.
  • Promotion of Indian languages: The NEP emphasizes the preservation and promotion of Indian languages, while also ensuring proficiency in the English language.
  • Examination reforms: The policy proposes a shift from a rote-based approach to assessments and promotes competency-based learning, with a focus on critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Higher education reforms: The NEP aims to promote autonomy, multidisciplinary education, and research in higher education institutions. It also suggests the establishment of a single regulatory body, the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI), to oversee all aspects of higher education. 
  • It is important to note that the NEP 2020 is a policy document that provides a roadmap for educational reforms in India. Implementation of the policy is a gradual process, and various measures and initiatives are being taken by the government and educational institutions to bring about the desired changes in the education system.
Thus taking education in India is a whole different perspective of one individual, his/ her economic conditions. On the basis of these conditions one feels that education in India is a burden or an opportunity.

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